Thursday 6th March 2025 06:32:56 PM
Yorkshire Memorials
Discriptions >> Facts

Choosing a Memorial and facts you should consider

Before ordering a memorial you should take time to evaluate all the options available and eventually the inspiration in finalising your chosen memorial.

Often it can involve several members of a family, some or all of whom may have differing views on the memorial itself, the content of the inscription and possibly the price.  It is important therefore to buy from a company where your needs will be fully understood and your inspirations realised.

Some points you should consider before finally choosing a memorial are:

  • Future additional inscriptions that might be added at a future date. This can also be a relative buried or whose ashes are scattered elsewhere.
  • Sometimes where the deceased is of a young age and any future additional inscription would not be for many years a memorial purely dedicated to accommodate the one internment is chosen with the view that when faced with dealing with an additional internment a new memorial is chosen to meet the requirements of the family which might not be the same as when the memorial was first erected.
  • Memorials can be bespoke and personalised incorporating unique features Having chosen a memorial and close to finalising your inscription Yorkshire Memorials can supply a picture of your choice of memorial with your inscription superimposed to scale to assist in finalising your inscription.
  • Inscription can be modified up to the point of your lettering being inscribed on your memorial.
  • Material choice may be dictated by the burial authority. However for durability and the ability to engrave detailed designs and variety of colours to choose from Granite is recommended. Completion Time scale from receipt of permit from burial authority.
  • Additional inscriptions and stock memorials 4 to 6 Weeks.
  • Bespoke and ordered memorials take on average 12 weeks to arrive at our works and then subject to weather and work load 4 to 6 weeks to complete. When completion prior to an important anniversary / date is required please bring this to our attention. However because delivery is subject to ship and outside our control we cannot guarantee completion until your memorial is delivered to our works.
  • Designs motifs can be from our extensive range or be unique picture supplied by you.

    Yorkshire Memorials, Address: 2o Fairfield Avenue, Leeds LS13 3HN : Telephone: 7359491352